I got my idea pretty fast, and it was meant to be pretty simple - the rig was supposed to pick up the ball, carry it over to a box (more like a large crate or something), put it on the edge, and shove it in (see the "so-called" blocking for better understanding). I've kept the idea all the way, but the final result is nothing like the block. Simply 'cause I started all over, and on the second attempt I didn't block...
As Mats commented, my block was more like some sort of a storyboard, thus having no timing whatsoever, and therefore creating a lot of problems later on, since I had to go back and move several keys over and over. And the animation and story in itself was unnecessary long, creating even more problems that I could have easily avoided. In the end I realized I had messed it up so badly, that I just started all over. 
First changes I made to the new scene was that I moved the box in front of the rig, and the ball closer. That way, I didn't have to make that much unnecessary animation, seeing that it was the actual lift that was the assignment. 
As I previously mentioned, I didn't block on the second attempt. I did a mostly pose-to-pose animation, and it was waaay better, both working with the animation and the actual (and final) animation. 

I wanted the rig/character to seem a bit dejected (?), it's not something it wants to do, but it kind of has to, like the guy in this video: 
Therefore the breathing at the start...
I also wanted it to sort of fall in the end, after pushing the ball over the edge, and into the box/crate. But instead of the rig falling on it's butt on the ground in the end (like in the "block"/storyboard), it falls forward, but grabs hold of the box edge, and supports itself to a standing position. 
I must say - I am most pleased, considering I made this in about 1 day :3
I actually did it! I managed to make an animation in 1 day! (minor fixes today, foot movement, etc) *extremely proud*
And it's waaay better than what I managed to make during the previous time on this project... Another proof that I do everything much better the second time or so :3
I've managed to mess up my keys, and the animation in general so badly that I've just started all over... 
I started around 1 o'clock, now it's a few mins past 4... And I've already pretty much done at least half the animation. Of course, due to me starting on a new animation the day before we're supposed to deliver, I've made it a bit simpler - I've put the ball and the box a bit closer to the rig - but so far it looks good. ^^
Wish me luck, and I'll put up some WIP stuff ;3

And here's a preview of the frame I'm currently at :P
And now, I think I should get some lunch, since my breakfast was around half past 11 :P
I was done with the block last week, but I've just forgotten that we're supposed to post things here too, so I'll do it now ^^
Well, it's not really a block, just a series of pictures, but I did have a block too! Though alot has been changed since the original blocking/idea... Added some anticipation, waiting, ect...
I'll just jump stright to part 3 of day three's assignment - Future 3D Film Production
What kind of 3D do I want to do, and give examples: 

The effects in this vid are kind of awesome-ish. Simple, but cool^^
Something between that and the effects in the next one here is somewhere along the lines of what I want to do :3

Oh my gawsh I totally love that awesome cute dragon at 0:38-0:42 <3
And the main character (Dave) is the voice of Hiccup in 'How to train your dragon', which is another awesome movie :D
So... This is my first post. Woohow!
Guess I should tell a bit about me, and at the same time do my homework and tell a bit about how I ended up here and such...

My Name is Vanja Sandøy, full name Vanja Renate Angelica Sande Sandøy. I'm at the moment 20 years old, born in April 1990.

My dream is to work with movies, and I'm really fascinated by special effects, so 3D seemed like a good choice... :3

At first, actually during 2nd year at high school, I had gotten interested in an education in 3D, and was considering 3D Game Design at NITH. But I've never been that much into games, not back then anyway. Though I'm starting to get a greater interest for it now, mostly by influence from my awesome classmates... ^^
Then a friend showed me that they had 3D Film Production at Noroff, and I was instantly sold. I mean, how could I NOT jump on the chance to combine 3D and film..? :3

I've had a thing for character design and drawing for almost as long as I can remember, and due to my problem with not being able to draw the same character repeatedly , I thought it would be nice to be able to create them in 3D... :D

I usually prefer to draw by hand, mostly with a regular HB pencil, and some times I use my eraser almost as much as my pencil... But I prefer to colour in Photoshop, 'cause it gives you more freedom to experiment with colours, it's often easier to do everything from tiny details to big, single coloured areas, and you're not doomed if you miss. Love that last part about it :3
I also have a user at dA (short for deviantART): http://mizzmii.deviantart.com/

I also like to work in 3DS Max, though I don't know which part of it I like the best. 
I like to model, though I'm working on trying to be a bit faster, since I tend to be a bit of a slow worker, never being satisfied, thus never getting anything done... >_<
I also like to texture, and being a way of including drawing into the 3D art, not just as reference or concept, it's something I enjoy doing, no matter how hopeless it seems, and no matter how many times I have to go back and forth to make sure it's in the right place on the model/figure. It is also a way of challenging and forcing myself into developing my skills, both detail-wise, and generally drawing-wise.

General interests is mostly movies, Jim Carrey being my GOD!
Besides that, I love Marvel, especially Spider-man, Scarlet Spider, Wolverine and X-Men, and can't help turning my head after bypassing motorcycles, one of which I hope to own and drive one day (the sooner the better)...

That's it for now, I guess...
Any questions, comments and/or corrections are welcome :3